卡塔尔庆祝海合会野生生物日,强调海洋养护努力和受保护物种。 Qatar marks GCC Wildlife Day, highlighting marine conservation efforts and protected species.
卡塔尔环境和气候变化部在12月30日庆祝海湾合作委员会野生动物日, 主题是"可持续的海洋野生动物". The Ministry of Environment and Climate Change in Qatar celebrated the GCC Wildlife Day on December 30 under the theme "Sustainable Marine Wildlife." 这次活动展示了卡塔尔在海洋养护方面的努力,包括法律、自然保护区和国际合作。 The event showcased Qatar's efforts in marine conservation, including laws, nature reserves, and international cooperation. 关键项目的重点是保护鹰刺海龟、鳄鱼和鲸鲨等物种。 Key projects focus on protecting species like hawksbill sea turtles, dugongs, and whale sharks. 该部还开展清理运动和举办提高认识讲习班,卡塔尔29%的地区受到11个自然保护区的保护。 The ministry also conducts clean-up campaigns and awareness workshops, with 29% of Qatar's area protected by 11 natural reserves.