尼日利亚安全部队在圣诞节期间在阿布贾逮捕了6个涉嫌破坏公共基础设施的嫌犯。 Nigerian security forces arrested six suspected vandals of public infrastructure in Abuja during Christmas.
联邦首都直辖区尼日利亚安全和民防部队(NSCDC)在圣诞节期间逮捕了6个涉嫌破坏公共基础设施的可疑分子。 The Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) has arrested six suspected vandals of public infrastructure during the Christmas period. 嫌犯在阿布贾的不同地点被国家安全局特工人员抓获,其中一些人因破坏电缆和太阳能板杆等具体行为被捕。 The suspects were caught by NSCDC operatives at various locations in Abuja, with some arrested for specific acts like vandalizing cables and solar panel poles. 他们现在正在受到调查,并将受到起诉。 They are now under investigation and will be prosecuted. 反恐部队指挥官警告要防止进一步破坏行为。 The FCT Commandant warned against further acts of sabotage.