尼日利亚警察在阿布贾突袭17个犯罪地点,逮捕348名嫌疑人,扣押金属、毒品和枪支。 Nigerian police in Abuja raid 17 crime spots, arrest 348 suspects, seizing metals, drugs, and guns.
尼日利亚首都阿布贾的联邦反恐部队警察司令部已经查明并开始每天对17个犯罪热点进行突袭,以打击犯罪和保护基础设施。 The FCT Police Command in Abuja, Nigeria's capital, has identified and begun daily raids on 17 criminal hotspots to combat crime and protect infrastructure. 这些行动已逮捕了348名嫌疑人,其中320人已经出庭。 These operations have resulted in the arrest of 348 suspects, with 320 already in court. 警方还查封了被盗金属、井盖、路灯杆以及大量毒品和火器。 Police have also seized stolen metals, manhole covers, streetlight poles, and large quantities of drugs and firearms.