在澳洲梅特兰的两起车祸中, 两次追车事故结束后, 一名男子被指控犯有12项罪行。 A man is charged with 12 offenses after two car chases ended in crashes in Maitland, Australia.
一名37岁的男子被指控在新南威尔士州梅特兰发生两起汽车追逐和撞车事件后犯有12项罪行。 A 37-year-old man has been charged with 12 offenses following two car pursuits and crashes in Maitland, New South Wales. 这些事件发生于2024年12月22日和31日,涉及黑、蓝Holden社区。 The incidents occurred on December 22 and 31, 2024, involving black and blue Holden Commodores. 第一次追击以坠入一个家庭而告终,第二次则以坠入一个加油站的燃料弓车而告终。 The first pursuit ended with a crash into a home, and the second with a crash into a fuel bowser at a service station. 这名男子逃离了这两场场景,最后被捕,并用使用OC喷雾剂抵抗逮捕。 The man fled both scenes and was eventually arrested, resisting arrest with OC spray used. 他面临各种指控,包括警察追捕、鲁莽驾驶和持有毒品,他将出庭。 He faces charges including police pursuit, reckless driving, and drug possession, and is set to appear in court.