肯尼亚警方否认文件是用来逮捕抗议群众的, Kenyan police deny document is for arresting protesters, saying it's just a standard duty roster.
肯尼亚国家警察署(NPS)否认关于一份已分发的列有警官姓名和电话号码的文件是逮捕抗议者的计划的说法。 The Kenyan National Police Service (NPS) has denied claims that a circulated document listing officers' names and phone numbers is a plan to arrest protesters. 核动力源发言人Resila Onyongo博士说,该文件是一份标准值班名册,与最近的反绑架示威无关。 NPS spokesperson Dr. Resila Onyango stated that the document is a standard duty roster and not related to recent anti-abduction demonstrations. NPS 敦促公众不要传播错误信息,并强调值班轮班是确保问责制和协调的日常行动的一部分。 The NPS urged the public not to spread misinformation and highlighted that duty rosters are part of routine operations to ensure accountability and coordination.