Jerry Norman III因试图向华盛顿州监狱的囚犯运送毒品而被捕。 Jerry Norman III was arrested for attempting to deliver drugs to inmates at Washington State Prison.
Jerry Norman III,26岁,来自Fairburn, 12月28日因企图向华盛顿州监狱运送违禁品而被捕。 Jerry Norman III, 26, from Fairburn, was arrested on December 28 for attempting to deliver contraband to Washington State Prison. 众议员和格鲁吉亚惩戒部K9股抓获他使用非法物质供囚犯使用。 Deputies and the Georgia Department of Corrections K9 Unit caught him with illegal substances intended for inmates. Norman面临多重重罪指控,包括共谋、与囚犯交易、拥有大麻和附表2管制物质意图分销以及单独调查后贩运甲基苯丙胺。 Norman faces multiple felony charges, including conspiracy, trading with inmates, possession of marijuana and a Schedule 2 controlled substance with intent to distribute, and trafficking in methamphetamine from a separate investigation.