Kenneth Lynch和Michelle Johnston被控企图将合成大麻走私进Polk县的监狱。 Kenneth Lynch and Michelle Johnston are accused of trying to smuggle synthetic marijuana into a Polk County Jail.
Polk县监狱的囚犯Kenneth Lamar Lynch和Michelle Rae Johnston被指控企图通过USPS将合成大麻偷运进监狱。 Kenneth Lamar Lynch, an inmate at Polk County Jail, and Michelle Rae Johnston are accused of attempting to smuggle synthetic marijuana into the jail through the USPS. 当局在11月7日截获了包裹。 Authorities intercepted the package on November 7. Lynch和Johnston面临包括有组织犯罪活动、共谋和走私违禁品在内的指控。 Lynch and Johnston face charges including organized criminal activity, conspiracy, and smuggling contraband. 波尔克县郡治安官办公室正在牵头进行调查,这可能导致额外的联邦指控。 The Polk County Sheriff's Office is leading the investigation, which may lead to additional federal charges.