联邦法官支持佛罗里达州限制对囚犯进行性改变治疗和转换的政策。 Federal judge upholds Florida's policy restricting sex-change treatments and transitions for inmates.
佛罗里达州一位由前总统特朗普任命的联邦法官坚持州的政策,即限制对囚犯的性改变治疗和社会过渡,包括禁止变性妇女穿某些衣服和长发。 A federal judge in Florida, appointed by former President Trump, has upheld the state's policy that restricts sex-change treatments and social transitions for inmates, including banning transgender women from wearing certain clothing and having long hair. 该政策允许在医疗上必要的情况下有例外。 The policy allows exceptions if medically necessary. 裁决强调特朗普对司法机构的持久影响,以及正在进行的关于囚犯权利和监狱政策的辩论。 The ruling underscores Trump's lasting impact on the judiciary and the ongoing debates over inmate rights and prison policies.