Kristen Bell女演员通过GoFundMe运动捐赠了100 000美元,帮助支付医疗费用。 Actress Kristen Bell donated $100,000 to help cover medical bills through GoFundMe campaigns.
克莉丝汀·贝尔女演员捐赠了10万美元 帮助2024年在医疗账单上挣扎的人 Actress Kristen Bell donated $100,000 to help people struggling with medical bills in 2024. 她与Instagram名人Tommy Marcus(又称Quentin Quarantino)合作,支持GoFundMe的各种活动。 She partnered with Instagram personality Tommy Marcus, also known as Quentin Quarantino, to support various GoFundMe campaigns. Bell的捐助已经帮助一名儿童用20 932美元和另一名病人用24 182美元对抗白血病。 Bell's contributions have already helped one child fight leukemia with $20,932 and another patient with $24,182. Marcus赞扬了Bell的慷慨,强调他们的努力对个人和家庭的重大影响。 Marcus praised Bell's generosity, highlighting the significant impact of their efforts on individuals and families.