Miranda Lambert启动MuttNation基金会资助海伦飓风救济募捐活动, Miranda Lambert launches MuttNation Foundation fundraiser for Hurricane Helene relief, donating $100,000+ to aid people and animal shelters in affected states.
乡村歌手米兰达·兰伯特 (Miranda Lambert) 通过她的 MuttNation 基金会发起了一项筹款活动,以支持飓风海伦救灾,所有捐款都将直接用于受影响的个人和动物收容所。 Country singer Miranda Lambert has launched a fundraiser through her MuttNation Foundation to support Hurricane Helene relief, with all donations directed to affected individuals and animal shelters. Lambert已经捐助了近100 000美元,强调在北卡罗来纳州和佛罗里达州等受重创的州迫切需要住房援助。 Lambert has already contributed nearly $100,000, emphasizing the urgent need for shelter assistance in hard-hit states like North Carolina and Florida. 飓风在六个州造成至少191人死亡,使救济工作进一步复杂化。 The hurricane has led to at least 191 deaths across six states, further complicating relief efforts.