明尼苏达州美国农业部野生动物服务局重点关注乍得·阿尔贝格领导的管理野生动物损害的非致命性方法。 USDA's Wildlife Services in Minnesota focuses on non-lethal methods to manage wildlife damage, led by Chad Alberg.
明尼苏达州美国农业部野生动物服务局管理野生动物对农场和公共场所的损害,处理疾病威胁、牲畜掠夺和作物损失等问题。 The USDA's Wildlife Services in Minnesota manages wildlife damage to farms and public areas, addressing issues like disease threats, livestock predation, and crop losses. 该小组由乍得·阿尔贝格牵头,采用决策模式,优先考虑致命控制替代品。 Led by Chad Alberg, the team uses a decision-making model that prioritizes alternatives to lethal control. 他们处理各种各样的野生生物问题,其中鸟类占大部分工作量,常常处理产卵、饲料和城市环境的问题。 They handle a wide range of wildlife issues, with birds making up the majority of their workload, often treating problems at dairies, feedlots, and urban settings.