Showering 家族重振英国苹果酒业务,以优质产品瞄准高端市场。 Showering family revives UK cider business, targets high-end markets with premium product.
萨默塞特郡 Showering Cider Mill 背后的 Showering 家族在 2014 年重新获得控制权后,正在重振他们的英国苹果酒业务。 The Showering family, behind Somerset's Showering Cider Mill, is reviving their UK cider business after regaining control in 2014. 他们的目标是通过针对高端餐厅和酒店推出其优质产品 Showerings Triple Vintage 来提升苹果酒的形象,该产品使用酿酒技术混合陈年苹果酒。 They aim to elevate cider's image by targeting high-end restaurants and hotels with their premium product, Showerings Triple Vintage, which blends aged ciders using wine-making techniques. 尽管面临继承税等挑战,但家庭计划向芬兰、香港和新加坡等市场扩展。 Despite facing challenges like inheritance tax, the family plans to expand into markets like Finland, Hong Kong, and Singapore.