50多辆汽车因铁板倒在繁忙的印度公路上而受损,造成过夜交通堵塞。 Over 50 cars were damaged when an iron board fell on a busy Indian highway, causing overnight traffic jams.
在12月29日印度马哈拉施特拉邦Malegaon和Vanoja广场之间公路上,一个铁板倒下,造成交通堵塞,使通勤者在一夜之间滞留。 之后,孟买-Nagpur Samrudddhi公路上50多辆汽车被刺穿。 Over 50 vehicles were punctured on the Mumbai-Nagpur Samruddhi Highway after an iron board fell onto the road between Malegaon and Vanoja toll plaza in Maharashtra, India, on December 29, causing a traffic jam that stranded commuters overnight. 正在对事件进行调查,以确定董事会是否意外坠落或被故意投掷。 The incident is under investigation to determine if the board fell accidentally or was thrown intentionally. 这一事件引起了有关公路安全的问题,该公路以前在6月曾发生致命碰撞。 This event has raised questions about the safety of the highway, which had previously seen a fatal collision in June.