53岁的Marcellous Dondrique Clark 被捕 罪名是劫车和袭击一名受害者 在食品狮子停车场 Marcellous Dondrique Clark, 53, arrested for carjacking and assaulting a victim in a Food Lion parking lot.
一个53岁的男子,Marcellous Dondrique Clark,因12月20日在粮食狮停车场发生的劫车事件而被捕。 A 53-year-old man, Marcellous Dondrique Clark, was arrested for a carjacking incident that occurred on December 20 in a Food Lion parking lot. 克拉克被控劫车、大盗窃、袭击和殴打 并在暴力犯罪期间持有武器 Clark is charged with carjacking, grand larceny, assault and battery, and possessing a weapon during a violent crime. 受害者遭到殴打,汽车被盗;当局不相信Clark认识受害者。 The victim was assaulted and their car stolen; authorities do not believe Clark knew the victim.