之前与“消失的爱人”案有关的男子在亨廷顿海滩绑架案中面临新的指控。 Man previously linked to "Gone Girl" case faces new charges in Huntington Beach kidnapping.
一名男子此前因在亨廷顿海滩绑架一名妇女而与“消失的女孩”案有关,现在面临新的指控。 A man previously tied to the "Gone Girl" case for kidnapping a woman in Huntington Beach now faces new charges. 由于与虚构的“消失的爱人”故事相似,该案引起了全国的关注。 The case gained national attention due to similarities with the fictional "Gone Girl" story. 当局现在正在寻求对与该事件有关的嫌疑人提出更多指控。 Authorities are now seeking additional charges against the suspect related to the incident.