在北卡罗来纳州因社交媒体威胁和冒充一名联邦官员而被捕的人。 Man arrested in North Carolina for social media threats and impersonating a federal officer.
来自北卡罗来纳州的44岁男子William Nicolas McKever在张贴暴力威胁和在社交媒体上冒充一名联邦官员后被捕。 William Nicolas McKeever, a 44-year-old man from North Carolina, was arrested after posting violent threats and impersonating a federal officer on social media. 逮捕案由Pitt和Greene县警察局在Snow Hill执行。 The arrest, made by the Pitt and Greene County Sheriff's Offices, occurred in Snow Hill. McKeever声称与联邦机构有联系,目前持有251 500美元的保证金,随着调查的继续,还可能收取额外的费用。 McKeever, who claimed affiliation with federal agencies, is currently held on a $251,500 bond, with potential additional charges as the investigation continues.