在南卡罗来纳州被捕的34岁的Ismael Rutledge因在家庭暴力事件发生后绑架、拒捕和持有武器。 34-year-old Ismael Rutledge arrested in South Carolina for kidnapping, resisting arrest, and weapon possession after a domestic violence incident.
Ismael Rutledge, 34岁, 被南卡罗来纳州Greenville县治安官办公室逮捕, 罪名是家庭暴力事件发生后绑架、拒捕和持有武器。 Ismael Rutledge, 34, was arrested by the Greenville County Sheriff's Office in South Carolina on charges of kidnapping, resisting arrest, and weapon possession after a domestic violence incident. 受害人在身体上发生争吵后逃脱,打911电话。 Following a physical altercation, the victim escaped and called 911. Rutledge把自己困在南佛罗里达大道的家中,导致与包括SWAT在内的执法部门僵持不下,最后于下午12时40分左右逮捕了他。 Rutledge barricaded himself in his home on South Florida Avenue, leading to a standoff with law enforcement including SWAT, which concluded with his arrest around 12:40 p.m.