Livonia家庭遭受双重悲剧:祖父在冰雪下受重伤,妻子在第二天车祸中死亡。 Livonia family endures dual tragedies: grandfather critically injured in ice fall, wife dies in car crash the next day.
一个Livonia家庭背对背地面对着悲剧。 A Livonia family faced back-to-back tragedies. 星期四,一名66岁的男子和他的15岁孙子在捕鱼时在冰中坠落;他祖父病情严重住院。 On Thursday, a 66-year-old man and his 15-year-old grandson fell through ice while fishing; the grandfather was hospitalized in critical condition. 第二天,该男子的66岁妻子在一次车祸中死亡,当时她正前往取回他的车辆。 The next day, the man's 66-year-old wife died in a car crash while heading to retrieve his vehicle. 一名19岁的驾驶员越过中线,撞上了她的汽车头部。 A 19-year-old driver crossed the center line, hitting her car head-on. 警长把它形容为"不可言喻的悲剧" The sheriff described it as an "unspeakable tragedy."