查尔斯三世国王荣耀他的医疗队 和一位等候皇家维多利亚勋章的女士 King Charles III honors his medical team and a lady-in-waiting with the Royal Victorian Order.
查尔斯三世国王表彰他的医疗团队Douglas Glass博士和Richard Leach教授在癌症治疗期间的服务,他们由Glass任命的指挥官和维多利亚皇家骑士团(RVO)的Leach中尉担任。 King Charles III has honored his medical team, Dr. Douglas Glass and Professor Richard Leach, for their service during his cancer treatment, with Glass appointed Commander and Leach Lieutenant of the Royal Victorian Order (RVO). Glass以前是Elizabeth II女王的药剂师,Leach是一名咨询医生,因向皇室提供个人服务而获得认可。 Glass, formerly Queen Elizabeth II's apothecary, and Leach, a consultant physician, have been recognized for their personal service to the royal family. 前等候的女士Annabel Whitehead 也荣获RVO的最高奖项。 Former lady-in-waiting Dame Annabel Whitehead was also honored with the RVO's highest accolade.