查尔斯国王感谢医务人员的癌症治疗 以及凯特·米德尔顿的未具体说明的治疗 King Charles thanked medical staff for his cancer care and Kate Middleton's unspecified treatment.
查尔斯国王对医务人员在癌症治疗期间的护理表示感谢。 King Charles expressed his gratitude to the medical staff for their care during his cancer treatment. 他还感谢他们治疗Kate Middleton,尽管没有提供有关她治疗的详细情况。 He also thanked them for treating Kate Middleton, though details about her treatment were not provided. 国王利用这一机会公开承认他从医疗队得到的支持。 The King used the occasion to publicly acknowledge the support he received from the healthcare team.