Jennifer Lopez分享了2024年的录像回顾,强调职业成就和未来希望,而没有提到Ben Affleck。 Jennifer Lopez shared a video recap of 2024, highlighting career achievements and future hopes without mentioning Ben Affleck.
詹妮弗·洛佩兹分享了2024年的视频回顾,强调了她的成就, 没有提到本·阿弗莱克. Jennifer Lopez shared a video recap of 2024, highlighting her achievements without mentioning Ben Affleck. 她以乐观的讯息结束视频, 说,“最好的还有待到来。” She ended the video with an optimistic message, saying, "The best is yet to come." 该视频展示了她的职业重点和个人里程碑,侧重于她的未来愿望。 The video showcased her career highlights and personal milestones, focusing on her future aspirations.