1月,不列颠哥伦比亚省提供两项福利,以帮助生活费用不断上涨的居民。 In January, British Columbia offers two benefits to help residents with rising living costs.
2025年1月,不列颠哥伦比亚省居民将获得两项政府福利,以减轻生活费用压力。 In January 2025, British Columbia residents will receive two government benefits to ease cost-of-living pressures. 1月3日抵达的季度气候行动税收抵免将惠及约65%的居民,数额因家庭规模不同而各有不同。 The quarterly climate action tax credit, arriving on January 3, will benefit about 65% of residents, with varying amounts based on family size. 1月晚些时候,超过340,000个中低收入家庭将领取不列颠哥伦比亚省家庭福利津贴,其中包括临时生活费奖金,可能使年度支付额增加25%。 Later in January, over 340,000 lower- and middle-income families will receive the BC Family Benefit, which includes a temporary cost-of-living bonus, potentially increasing annual payments by 25%.