ITD Cementation India签订了一项大规模合同,以扩大和保护马哈拉施特拉邦未来的Vadhvan港。 ITD Cementation India secures a massive contract to expand and protect the future Vadhvan Port in Maharashtra.
ITD Cementation India Ltd在即将到来的马哈拉施特拉邦Vadhvan港为近岸开垦和海岸保护签订了1,648-crore合同。 ITD Cementation India Ltd has secured a ₹1,648-crore contract for near-shore reclamation and shore protection at the upcoming Vadhvan Port in Maharashtra. 该项目被视为发展绿地港口的一个关键步骤,涉及在海岸附近创造200公顷土地。 The project, seen as a key step in developing the greenfield port, involves creating 200 hectares of land near the shore. 瓦德万港将成为印度第13大集装箱港口,该港口是通过公私伙伴关系开发的。 Vadhvan Port is set to be India's 13th major and largest container port, developed through Public-Private Partnerships (PPP).