埃及和中国与经济庆典和新投资建立了十年战略伙伴关系。 Egypt and China mark 10 years of strategic partnership with economic celebrations and new investments.
2024年,埃及和中国庆祝了战略伙伴关系十周年,其特点是在 " 贝尔特和道路倡议 " 下开展了重要的经济合作。 In 2024, Egypt and China celebrated the 10th anniversary of their strategic partnership, marked by significant economic cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative. 中国连续12年仍然是埃及最大的贸易伙伴,对埃及基础设施和工业的投资不断增加。 China remains Egypt's largest trading partner for 12 consecutive years, with growing investments in Egyptian infrastructure and industry. 埃及总理马德布利访问北京并签署新的投资合同,突显了这一伙伴关系。 The partnership was highlighted by the visit of Egypt's Prime Minister Madbouly to Beijing and the signing of new investment contracts.