尼日利亚和埃及同意通过“全面伙伴关系”深化关系,加强安全和经济合作。 Nigeria and Egypt agree to deepen ties, enhancing security and economic cooperation in a "Comprehensive Partnership."
尼日利亚和埃及已同意将其关系提升为“全面伙伴关系”,以加强安全合作以及农业、能源和基础设施等领域的经济参与。 Nigeria and Egypt have agreed to elevate their relationship to a "Comprehensive Partnership," enhancing security cooperation and economic engagement in areas like agriculture, energy, and infrastructure. 他们计划放弃外交官的签证,到2025年建立一个联合商会,并分享在非洲打击恐怖主义和解决冲突的战略。 They plan to waive visas for diplomats, establish a joint Chamber of Commerce by 2025, and share strategies for counter-terrorism and conflict resolution in Africa. 这一伙伴关系标志着两国之间65年的外交关系。 This partnership marks 65 years of diplomatic ties between the two nations.