戴安娜公主的弟弟厄尔·斯潘塞 证实了与考古学家的婚外情 导致他妻子的官司 Earl Spencer, brother of Princess Diana, confirms affair with archaeologist, leading to his wife's lawsuit.
戴安娜公主的弟弟厄尔·斯潘塞 被指控自2021年以来 与考古学家卡特·贾曼博士有外遇 导致他与妻子卡伦·斯潘塞伯爵夫人疏远 Earl Spencer, brother of Princess Diana, is accused of having an affair with archaeologist Dr Cat Jarman since 2021, leading to his estrangement from his wife, Countess Karen Spencer. 这对夫妇于6月分裂,厄尔于10月确认了他与贾曼的关系。 The couple split in June, and Earl confirmed his relationship with Jarman in October. Karen Spencer指控Jarman泄露私人细节, 而Jarman否认指控, 称其为诽谤。 Karen Spencer is suing Jarman for revealing private details, while Jarman denies the allegations, calling them defamatory. 法律案件仍在进行中。 The legal case is ongoing.