12月30日,一名10岁男孩在费城被一辆NJ Transport公共汽车击中,脚折。 On Dec 30, a 10-year-old boy was hit by an NJ Transit bus in Philadelphia, suffering a broken foot.
2024年12月30日,一名10岁男孩在费城第6街和市场街被一辆NJ过境巴士击中。 On December 30, 2024, a 10-year-old boy was struck by an NJ Transit bus at 6th and Market streets in Philadelphia. 事件发生在上午9时09分左右,当时公共汽车正驶往Asbury公园。 The incident occurred around 9:09 a.m. as the bus was leaving for Asbury Park. 巴士上没有乘客,司机也没有受伤。 There were no passengers on the bus, and the driver was not injured. 这名男孩的脚被打碎而住院。 The boy was hospitalized with a broken foot. 调查正在进行中。 An investigation is ongoing.