CT区Watterbury的校车严重炸伤6岁男孩;调查仍在进行中。 6-year-old boy seriously injured by school bus in Waterbury, CT; investigation ongoing.
一名6岁男孩在康涅狄格州Waterbury被校车撞伤后受重伤, A 6-year-old boy was seriously injured after being struck by a school bus in Waterbury, Connecticut, around 4:10 PM on Thursday. 他最初被送到圣玛丽医院,后来被转到康涅狄格儿童医疗中心,现在他在那里处于稳定状态。 He was initially taken to Saint Mary's Hospital and later transferred to Connecticut Children's Medical Center, where he is now in stable condition. Waterbury警察局的崩溃重建股正在调查这一事件。 The Waterbury Police Department's Crash Reconstruction Unit is investigating the incident. 正在等待进一步的细节。 Further details are awaited.