中国公务员的薪水每月至少提高500元, 以提升士气和开支。 China raises civil servants' salaries by at least 500 yuan monthly to boost morale and spending.
中国已大幅提高公务员的工资,从7月起,每月基本工资至少增加500元(68.51美元)。 China has given a significant pay raise to its civil servants, increasing their basic salaries by at least 500 yuan ($68.51) per month, starting in July. 此举旨在提高政府雇员的士气并鼓励他们支出,因为习近平主席将促进国内消费以刺激经济作为优先事项。 This move aims to boost morale and encourage spending among government employees, as President Xi Jinping prioritizes boosting domestic consumption to stimulate the economy. 全国教师、警察和官僚机构都提高了工资。 The raise extends to teachers, policemen, and bureaucrats nationwide.