中国启动了11个技术中心,以加强旅游业和文化,投资超过1 391万美元。 China launches 11 tech centers to enhance tourism and culture, investing over $13.91 million.
中国已经启动了11个技术创新中心,以提升其文化和旅游部门,雇用了近1,000名专业人员,总投资超过1亿元(1 391万美元)。 China has launched 11 technology innovation centers to boost its cultural and tourism sectors, employing nearly 1,000 professionals with a total investment of over 100 million yuan ($13.91 million). 这些中心旨在提供从研发到商业化的全面服务,侧重于智能旅游、性能设备和数字文化服务等领域。 These centers aim to provide comprehensive services from R&D to commercialization, focusing on areas like smart tourism, performance equipment, and digital cultural services. 显著的成就包括有一个中心与6,300多个风景点合作,另一个中心生产了80%以上的世界高端VR头盔。 Notable achievements include one center collaborating with over 6,300 scenic spots and another producing over 80% of the world's high-end VR headsets. 文化和旅游部目前正在选择第二批中心,以满足新出现的趋势和关键技术需要。 The Ministry of Culture and Tourism is now selecting a second batch of centers targeting emerging trends and critical technological needs.