Cavaliers教练肯尼・阿特金森 将史蒂夫・克尔的影响力 归功于球队27 -4的成功 Cavaliers coach Kenny Atkinson credits Steve Kerr's influence for the team's 27-4 success.
克利夫兰骑士队的肯尼・阿特金森教练 将球队杰出的27 -4纪录 归功于他在史提夫・凯尔和勇士队的教练经验 Coach Kenny Atkinson of the Cleveland Cavaliers attributes the team's outstanding 27-4 record to his coaching experience under Steve Kerr with the Warriors. Atkinson重视Kerr的方法,特别是培养玩家之间的喜悦和情感控制,并有效地管理明星玩家。 Atkinson values Kerr's methods, especially fostering joy and emotional control among players and managing star players effectively. 这种影响塑造了阿特金森的方法,为骑士队本赛季的成功做出了贡献。 This influence has shaped Atkinson's approach, contributing to the Cavaliers' success this season.