骑士队教练肯尼·阿特金森在17-3的开局后被评为东部会议本月最佳教练. Cavaliers coach Kenny Atkinson named Eastern Conference Coach of the Month after a 17-3 start.
克利夫兰骑士队总教练肯尼·阿特金森 被命名为本月10月和11月NBA东部会议教练 Cleveland Cavaliers head coach Kenny Atkinson was named the NBA Eastern Conference Coach of the Month for October and November, leading the team to a stellar 17-3 record. 卡夫队创下了系列纪录,包括15-0的开局, 并且在每场比赛的得分和射门百分比等关键数据上表现出色. The Cavs set franchise records, including a 15-0 start, and excelled in key stats like points per game and shooting percentages. 这是阿特金森的首个荣誉 也是2022年1月以来 骑士队的第一个荣誉 This marks Atkinson's first such honor and the first for the Cavaliers since January 2022.