加拿大的Cameron McDougall在迈阿密机场被捕,被控袭击TSA官员和乘客。 Canadian Cameron McDougall arrested at Miami airport for alleged attacks on TSA officers and passengers.
28岁的加拿大人Cameron Dylan McDougall, Cameron Dylan McDougall, 28岁,据称袭击多人,包括TSA官员和乘客后,在迈阿密国际机场被捕。 Cameron Dylan McDougall, a 28-year-old Canadian, was arrested at Miami International Airport after allegedly attacking multiple people, including TSA officers and passengers. McDougall面临三起殴打指控,包括袭击一名警官和一名65岁以上的个人。 McDougall faces three battery charges, including assaulting a police officer and an individual over 65. 技术服务局计划提出更多指控,并称不容忍针对技术服务局雇员的暴力行为。 The TSA plans to pursue additional charges and stated that violence against TSA employees will not be tolerated. 事件发生在12月28日,随后于12月27日发生飞行动乱,导致一架飞机返回迈阿密。 The incident occurred on December 28 and followed an in-flight disturbance on December 27 that caused a plane to return to Miami.