21 岁的安吉尔·蒙塔斯 (Angel Montas) 在马萨诸塞州林恩 (Lynn) 驾车驶入大海并危及行人后因酒后驾车被捕。 Angel Montas, 21, arrested for DUI after driving into the ocean and endangering pedestrians in Lynn, MA.
一名来自林恩的21岁男子,Angel Montas, 12月26日因据称在马萨诸塞州纳汉特海滩酒后驾车被捕。 A 21-year-old man from Lynn, Angel Montas, was arrested on December 26 for allegedly driving under the influence of alcohol on Nahant Beach in Massachusetts. 蒙塔斯在沙上做甜甜圈, 开车进入海洋, 危及行人. Montas performed doughnuts in the sand and drove into the ocean, endangering pedestrians. 他面临各种指控,包括在影响下行动、用危险武器攻击和轻率地驾驶机动车辆。 He faces charges including operating under the influence, assault with a dangerous weapon, and reckless operation of a motor vehicle. Montas将在1月23日出庭。 Montas is set to appear in court on January 23.