在圣诞节当天,19岁的Gabriel Chicon在索诺马县发生酒后驾车事故后被捕。 On Christmas Day, 19-year-old Gabriel Chicon was arrested after a DUI crash in Sonoma County.
在圣诞节当天,19岁的Gabriel Chicon在索诺马县因涉嫌驾车受影响被捕。 On Christmas Day, 19-year-old Gabriel Chicon was arrested in Sonoma County on suspicion of driving under the influence. Chicon的车撞到101号公路附近的一根柱子上,逃离现场,后来在Range大道被发现受伤。 Chicon crashed his car into a pole near Highway 101, fled the scene, and was later found injured on Range Avenue. 他受到酒醉、肇事逃逸和违反审前监督的指控,在医院接受治疗,并被关进监狱。 Charged with DUI, hit-and-run, and violations of pretrial supervision, he was treated at a hospital and booked into jail. Santa Rosa警察局强调了驾驶失灵的危险,敦促公众使用更安全的替代方法。 The Santa Rosa Police Department highlighted the dangers of impaired driving and urged the public to use safer alternatives.