被醉酒司机杀害的骑自行车者的寡妇生下儿子,因为最近家庭正忙于处理最近的损失。 Widow of cyclist killed by drunk driver gives birth to son, as family grapples with recent losses.
Matthew Gaudreau的遗孀Madeline Gaudreau生下了一个名叫Tripp Matthew的儿子,他死于一名醉酒司机造成的自行车事故。 Madeline Gaudreau, widow of Matthew Gaudreau who died in a cycling accident caused by a drunk driver, has given birth to a son named Tripp Matthew. 事故还夺去了Matthew的弟弟Johnny Gaudreau的生命。 The accident also claimed the life of Matthew's brother, Johnny Gaudreau. 家庭与Johnny怀孕的妻子Meredith一起,在欢迎新生活的同时,正面临着损失的挑战。 The family, along with Johnny's pregnant wife Meredith, are facing the challenges of their losses while welcoming new life. “GoFundMe”运动募集了超过859 000美元支持Madeline和她的新婴儿。 A GoFundMe campaign raised over $859,000 to support Madeline and her new baby.