两名罗马尼亚男子因偷钱包并试图逃离该国而被判处16周监禁。 Two Romanian men are sentenced to 16 weeks for stealing a wallet and attempting to flee the country.
两名罗马尼亚男子,Iulian Vladu和Florin Moga,在偷钱包和试图逃往爱尔兰后被判处16周监禁。 Two Romanian men, Iulian Vladu and Florin Moga, were sentenced to 16 weeks in prison after stealing wallets and attempting to flee to Ireland. 在沃灵顿,他们从一个老人那里偷了钱包,用他的银行卡取回1 000英镑,并被警察抓获。 In Warrington, they stole a wallet from an elderly man, used his bank cards to withdraw £1,000, and were caught by police. 他们试图乘渡轮出国后再次被捕,被控盗窃、欺诈和违反保释条件。 They were arrested again after trying to leave the country by ferry, charged with theft, fraud, and breaching bail conditions.