39名缅甸罪犯在中国被指控犯有欺诈、杀人和其他严重罪行。 Thirty-nine Myanmar criminals were charged in China for fraud, homicide, and other serious crimes.
星期一,设在缅甸北部的犯罪集团39名成员因电信欺诈和其他针对中国平民的严重罪行在中国被起诉。 Thirty-nine members of criminal groups based in northern Myanmar were prosecuted in China on Monday for telecom fraud and other serious crimes targeting Chinese civilians. 嫌疑人,包括Mg Myin Shaunt Phyin和Ma Thiri Maung, 面临各种指控,从欺诈和杀人到贩毒和卖淫组织。 The suspects, including Mg Myin Shaunt Phyin and Ma Thiri Maung, face charges ranging from fraud and homicide to drug trafficking and prostitution organization. 该案在浙江省沿海城市温州的一个地方法院提出。 The case was filed in a local court in Wenzhou, a coastal city in Zhejiang Province.