罗得岛的保健系统 RIBridges 被黑了 暴露了高达65万人的数据 Rhode Island's health system, RIBridges, was hacked, exposing data for up to 650,000 people.
罗得岛的健康和福利系统 RIBridges被黑了 可能暴露了65万人的数据 Rhode Island's health and benefits system, RIBridges, was hacked, potentially exposing data for up to 650,000 people. 一些被盗文件已经张贴在暗网上。 Some stolen files have been posted on the dark web. 国家正与德洛伊特公司合作,评估违约程度,并建议受影响居民获取财务信息。 The state is working with Deloitte to assess the breach's extent and has advised affected residents to secure their financial information. 该系统自12月13日起就停机,影响到包括医疗补助和SNAP在内的几个方案。 The system has been offline since December 13th, impacting several programs including Medicaid and SNAP.