喀拉拉高等法院的2024年摘要突出了涉及民事、刑事和宪法争端的重要案件。 Kerala High Court's 2024 digest highlights key cases involving civil, criminal, and constitutional disputes.
喀拉拉高等法院《2024年年度文摘》介绍了一系列重大法律案件,包括民事、刑事、税收和宪法事项。 The Kerala High Court Annual Digest 2024 features a range of significant legal cases including civil, criminal, taxation, and constitutional matters. 值得注意的案例涉及针对印度联邦、喀拉拉邦和其他当事方的争端。 Notable cases involve disputes against the Union of India, the State of Kerala, and other parties. 摘要全面概述了本年度法院的判决。 The digest offers a comprehensive overview of the court's judgments for the year.