伊朗开通了15M的废水处理厂,以保护阿特拉克河和供应石化公司。 Iran opens $15M wastewater plant to protect Atrak River and supply petrochemical company.
位于北霍拉桑的一家伊朗石油化工公司建造了一个1 500万美元的废水处理厂,以防止污水进入阿特拉克河并满足其用水需求。 An Iranian petrochemical company in North Khorasan has built a $15 million wastewater treatment plant to prevent sewage from entering the Atrak River and to supply its water needs. 该厂由马苏德·佩塞什基安总统启用,处理城市污水,每年通过一条11公里的管道向该公司提供550万立方米的水。 The plant, inaugurated by President Masoud Pezeshkian, treats city sewage and provides 5.5 million cubic meters of water annually to the company through an 11-km pipeline. 该项目旨在保护环境和加强公众健康。 The project aims to protect the environment and enhance public health.