印度国防部长敦促掌握AI和量子技术,以促进国防和创新。 India's Defence Minister urges mastery of AI and quantum tech to boost defense and innovation.
印度国防部长Rajnath Singh敦促科学家和工程师掌握诸如AI和量子计算等先进技术,以加强国家安全和创新。 India's Defence Minister Rajnath Singh urged scientists and engineers to master advanced technologies like AI and quantum computing to enhance national security and innovation. Singh在印度国家工程学院年度大会上发言,强调这些技术对未来战争的重要性,并强调工业、研究和学术界之间必须加强合作,以促进国防制造业的自力更生。 Speaking at the Indian National Academy of Engineering's Annual Convention, Singh highlighted the importance of these technologies for future warfare and stressed the need for better collaboration between industry, research, and academia to foster self-reliance in defense manufacturing. 他还赞扬印度取得的进展,注意到从进口武器向出口武器转变。 He also praised India's progress, noting the shift from importing to exporting weapons.