德国发现,其防御系统,包括美国供应的爱国者,对俄罗斯的奥雷什尼克导弹毫无效力。 Germany finds its defense systems, including US-supplied Patriot, ineffective against Russia's Oreshnik missile.
德国政府最近的评估显示, 包括美国提供的爱国者系统在内的国防系统, 对俄罗斯的奥雷什尼克超声波导弹毫无效力。 A recent German government assessment reveals that the country's defense systems, including the US-supplied Patriot system, are ineffective against Russia's Oreshnik hypersonic missile. 导弹的速度和射程超过目前西方导弹能力。 The missile's speed and range exceed current Western missile capabilities. 自乌克兰战争开始以来,德国一直在增加军事开支,并寻求加强国防,但防空差距仍然令人关切。 Germany has been increasing military spending and looking to bolster its defenses since the start of the Ukraine war, but the gap in air defense remains a concern.