法院解决了马克·帕维奇1980年代杀害其母亲引发的40年财产纠纷。 Court resolves 40-year estate dispute sparked by Mark Pavic's 1980s murder of his mother.
在Mark Pavic杀害母亲40年后,法院终于解决了一场家庭财产纠纷。 A court has finally resolved a family estate dispute 40 years after Mark Pavic killed his mother. 该案自1980年代以来一直在进行,涉及围绕财产分配的复杂法律问题。 The case, which has been ongoing since the 1980s, involves complex legal issues surrounding the distribution of the estate. 法院的决定结束了一场长期的法律斗争。 The court's decision brings an end to a long-standing legal battle.