因欺诈性地声称与包括Modi秘书在内的高级官员有牵连而在印度被捕的夫妇。 Couple arrested in India for fraudulently claiming ties to high-ranking officials, including Modi's secretary.
印度布巴内斯瓦尔的一对夫妇因假装与高级官员关系密切而被逮捕,包括声称与印度总理纳伦德拉·莫迪的首席秘书有联系。 A couple in Bhubaneswar, India, was arrested for pretending to be close to high-ranking officials, including claiming ties to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's principal secretary. Hansita Abhilipsa 和 Anil Kumar Mohanty 利用假照片欺骗建筑商、矿主及商人, Hansita Abhilipsa and Anil Kumar Mohanty deceived builders, mine owners, and businessmen by using fake photos and promising to secure fake tenders and deals. Odisha警察在一名矿主报告欺诈后逮捕了他们。 The Odisha Police made the arrests after a mine owner reported the fraud.