在孟买,24岁的冒名顶替者因假扮BJP MLA的PA而被捕,在假冒的幌子下勒索钱财。 24-year-old imposter arrest in Mumbai for posing as BJP MLA's PA, extorting money under false pretenses.
24岁的Amin Irfan Bendrekar在孟买被捕,罪名是冒充BJP MLA的个人助理Ashish Shelar,与律师和囚犯家属联系,打着释放囚犯的幌子勒索钱财并支付所谓的医疗费用。 24-year-old Amin Irfan Bendrekar is arrested in Mumbai for impersonating the personal assistant of BJP MLA Ashish Shelar, contacting lawyers and inmates' families, and extorting money under the guise of releasing prisoners and covering purported medical expenses. 在14起欺骗案件中被点名的被告利用BJP MLA的声音欺骗客户和亲属。 The accused, named in 14 cheating cases, used the BJP MLA's voice to deceive clients and relatives. 实际的BJP MLA Ashish Shelar的PA提出申诉,导致该男子被捕。 The actual PA of BJP MLA Ashish Shelar filed a complaint, leading to the man's arrest.