Bingham消防局消防员Don French上尉57岁,死于据信因医疗事件造成的车祸。 Bingham Fire Department firefighter Captain Don French, 57, died in a car crash believed to be caused by a medical event.
57岁的Don French上尉是Bingham消防局的一名专职消防员,他于周五的汽车离开公路撞上一栋房子后死亡。 Captain Don French, 57, a dedicated firefighter with the Bingham Fire Department, died after his vehicle left the road and hit a house on Friday. 官员相信他在坠机前曾经历一次医疗事件。 Officials believe he experienced a medical event before the crash. 消防局尊重他的承诺和服务, 指出他将非常怀念。 The fire department honored his commitment and service, noting he will be greatly missed. 他的尸体已送往奥古斯塔首席验尸官办公室接受进一步检查。 His body has been sent to the Chief Medical Examiner's Office in Augusta for further examination.