Winchester消防员Rick Sanders在与房屋火灾作斗争时死于心脏病。 Winchester firefighter Rick Sanders died after cardiac arrest while fighting a house fire.
一名印第安纳州温切斯特的消防员在与一所房子火灾作斗争时遇到了医疗紧急情况, A Winchester, Indiana firefighter died after suffering a medical emergency while battling a house fire. 该消防员的身份最初没有公布,但后来被确定为Rick Sanders。 The firefighter's identity was initially not released but was later identified as Rick Sanders. 桑德斯在去医院的路上死于心脏停止跳动 Sanders succumbed to cardiac arrest on the way to the hospital. 死因正等待验尸。 The cause of death is pending an autopsy. 来自印地安那各地的第一反应者已表示支持温彻斯特消防局。 First responders from across Indiana have shown support for the Winchester Fire Department.