亚特兰大隐藏村庄公寓的公寓火灾 影响8个单元,住院2个 Apartment fire in Atlanta's Hidden Village Apartments affects eight units, hospitalizes two.
星期天早上,亚特兰大Hide Village公寓发生公寓火灾,8个单元受灾,2人住院,一人吸入烟雾,另一人被手烧。 An apartment fire at Hidden Village Apartments in Atlanta on Sunday morning affected eight units, hospitalizing two individuals—one for smoke inhalation and another for a hand burn. 亚特兰大消防救援局于上午11时30分左右作出回应。 The Atlanta Fire Rescue Department responded at around 11:30 a.m. 红十字会正在向流离失所的居民提供援助,火灾原因仍在调查中。 The Red Cross is providing assistance to displaced residents, and the cause of the fire is still under investigation.