贝宁大学要求新学生在2025年1月15日之前立即在线结业。 University of Benin demands immediate online clearance from new students by Jan 15, 2025.
贝宁大学要求新录取的学生参加2024/2025年的学术课程,以便在2025年1月15日前立即完成网上结业手续。 The University of Benin requires newly admitted students for the 2024/2025 academic session to complete an immediate online clearance process by January 15, 2025. 大学公共关系官员Benedica Ehanire博士宣布了这项指令,该指令只针对已经入学的学生。 Dr. Benedicta Ehanire, the university's Public Relations Officer, announced this directive, which is exclusive to students who have already been admitted. 她敦促学生不断更新并遵守最新准则。 She urged students to stay updated and follow the latest guidelines. 此举旨在精简行政程序,为新学生提供更方便的经验。 This move aims to streamline administrative processes and offer a more convenient experience for new students.